All the information about our courses
Beginner A
Beginner A(6-12 months course ) Greetings and Introductions The Pronunciation Culture Greek Alphabet( Vowels and Consonants) vocabulary 1500-3000 The double vowels and cosonants Providing basic information about yourself Expressing thanks Personal pronouns The definite and indefinite Nouns cases and genders the auxiliary of the verb είμαι Names of some Greek ities Exchanging information about profession, address, telephone number the verb type A and Tybe B The verbs ‘to be’ and ‘to do’ Numbers 0-1000 Exchanging information about country of origin, place of stay using affirmative or negative response interrogative pronouns basic vocabulary essential phrases Simple sentence structure Nouns, cases and genders Adjectives
Intermediate B
Intermediate B (6-12 months course ) vocabulary 3000-5000 Culture refreshing everything in beginners A course verbs type B1 B2 C1 C2 C3 C4 the subjunctive irregular adjectives impersonal verbs the cardinal and the ordinal numbers tenses of the verbs future simple,past simple present perfect past perfect possessive pronouns the weak forms of the personal pronouns the possessive and demonstrative pronouns the prepositions the indefinite and the interrogative pronouns how to tell the time directions comparative degree of adjectives
Advanced C
Advanced C (12-24 months ) vocabulary 5000-10000 Culture refreshing of the intermediate course B review of the tenses of the verbs the past perfect tenses The future perfect tenses the adverbs of time ,place and manner the passive participle as adjective multiplicative and proportional numerals Passive voice of verbs in the fourth conjugation adverbs of quantity
Cost &Cancellation Policy
45 min lesson cost is 70$. 1 hour (60 min) lesson the cost is 80$/hour. For 2 students the cost is 110$/hour.For 3 students the coast is 120$/hour. Cancellation Policy Cancellation Policy: 48hrs notice is required to cancel a lesson without being charged for the full fee. One reschedule is permitted with 48hr notice. Refund Policy: No refunds will be issued last minute cancellation Rescheduling: If you are giving at least 48 hours' notice and have not exhausted your rescheduling your lesson will be rescheduled the same week or the following .2 rescheduling lessons per term (10 weeks) Specialized tutoring for the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Greek written examination is available at a rate of $120 per hour. My targeted lessons are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their Greek written assessments. With comprehensive support and expert guidance, we aim to provide students with the confidence to perform at their best. Contact me on 0477181362


01/Learning areas.

Speaking & Listening
 Engaging, interactive tasks are used to promote the development of speaking skills, such as pronunciation and fluency. Listening skills are developed in tandem with speaking skills. The goal is to fine tune your listening accuracy in order to avoid any potential misunderstandings in your conversations.

Greek Thinking through Philoshophy
 This will be achieved through analysing ethics of Aristoteles and history by Herodotus, as well as greek mythology. "Στους γονείς μου οφείλω το ζην, αλλά στον δάσκαλό μου το ευ ζην".

Viewing & Reading
 Your reading skills will be developed through targeted vocabulary and grammar lessons. As your vocabulary expands and your grasp of grammar structures increases, you will be exposed to a variety of authentic texts that have been selected in collaboration with your teacher. The ultimate goal is for you to be able to read fluently with a high level of comprehension.

 Alongside your reading skills, you will simultaneously be developing your writing skills. We will target your grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation skills. The specific writing activities will be negotiated with your teacher to ensure that you find them personally meaningful and engaging.


02 / Types of courses.

How could you follow a course?

• One-on-one lessons (individualized program)
• Group lessons (2 or more individuals)
• Distance lessons (conducted remotely via internet)
• Customised lessons for children

03 / Teaching tools

• Greek thinking
• Flascard games
• Reading and writing comprehension text
• History text

04 / Cost

The duration of the lesson is 1 hour (60 min) and the cost is 75$/hour.